Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas prep and Micah turns 1!

Here is a recap of our few days before Christmas! Putting away Christmas décor and an impulsive laundry room project has delayed my blogging :)

I love comparing years! God sure has blessed Derek and I!

Love the crafts the boys did at school

Friday, the day before Christmas Eve, we had everyone over for a pizza/cookie decorating party. All the family came except Jess and Seth (busy with new house) and the kids had a fun time. In fact, us adults may have had more fun decorating :)


Per Grandma's judging, the top right star and tree won 1st (Donna's), the center tree and angel won 2nd (Caitlin), and The bottom right GT football player and T won 3rd (Noah). Everyone got a bit competitive! The kids just flooded their cookies with icing and sprinkles :)

K really loved her purple icing, haha
Saturday morning Micah had her 1st birthday party! She turned one Friday!! Chelsea did a great job decorating and making cupcakes and the kids played outside in the amazingly warm weather! I can't believe the baby of the family is 1! I'm starting to miss that little baby phase and I'm glad Jess is due with Meritt soon! Micah was a happy birthday lady and had a blast playing with the big kids (and taking a few steps). Donuts and cupcakes had all the kids jumping and running wild, haha.
Pretty girl!

Their love language is sugar :)

Waiting patiently on their cupcakes!
She got into it!

This guy really savored his, haha. And only ate the icing (like big bro!)

Micah (and the big ones) enjoyed all the new toys and everyone had to show off their piano skills to Grandma (the piano master)!

The ladies of the family, love them all so much!! I'm also apparently unrelated according to my hair color ;)

Friday, December 23, 2016


We have been recovering from Disney the past week...I got the flu (I'm pretty sure...) 2 days after we got back and was in the bed for a few days. It took almost a week to get back to regular functioning, whew! Derek was off work a lot and picked up my slack big time! Thankfully no one else got sick and the boys needed a lot of extra rest time from the trip too. We are all ready for a fun Christmas weekend with lots of family time! Here's what we've been up to the past 2 weeks!
Morning fun at Noah's!

Dad kept their kiddos while they had a conference so we got to hang with him too!
Craft time at Caitlin's

Church last weekend

I can't believe they have grown up so fast!

Connor was so stoked about his own smoothie cup! Crazy boy!
Gymnastics last week! They are getting good!
Mall date with the fam!

The boys love "Jesus candle time" and have learned a lot about the Christmas story! Of course, blowing the candles out and getting their piece of chocolate is a good incentive to listen ;)

This was more interesting this year....

Connor refused to let the house be assembled and Colin just ate all the décor...haha

Morning fun at Let's Play!
These boys devour cheese dip!
Handsome church guys :)
Silly boys!
Grey paint all in my hair from painting at Jess's new house! They move in next week!

After our lunch date, I took Kathy Jo (old boss) to see Derek's old college house that burned down last sad.

McWayne Center fun!
Christmas train ride!

Favorite is still throwing balls in the different waterfalls!
Gymnastics fun! Connor doesn't like the 'pretend your asleep' part of the song :)
Cut 10 inches off the hair this week My last haircut was before Connor was born...

Perk of helping mom bake cookies :)