Friday, July 31, 2015

CTP is 21 months!

3 months until we have a 2 year old!?!?
It's been a very interesting month for big C. He is slowly adjusting to his role as a big brother. He is still happiest when Connor naps in our room and he has one on one time with us. He's only purposely hit Connor once, so that's pretty good! He also has been with bigger kids at school this summer which has made him grow up a little bit. Next month he moves up again for the fall and even will take naps on sleep cots. Time is flying!
He's a big boy! He's 29lbs and getting so tall. He's in all 2T clothes now. He has all his teeth except his 2 yr old molars. He is so independent getting on/off chairs, feeding himself with a fork/spoon, and starting to feel brave enough to jump off things. He is a good helper and communicating with him is getting better. He says so much now. His favorite new ones are 'please' (and he knows if he's told 'no' by us, he has a chance if he says please), cold (smoothies, drinks, pool water), and hot (outside, food).
He is a feisty kid who knows what he wants. He can be totally lovable and give kisses left and right....and then there are days where he's in time out 10 times. Life with a toddler ;) Right now he is absolutely obsessed with ceiling fans. They must be on in every room of the house and he wants to check on them constantly. Lights are a close 2nd, followed by closing all doors. Although it can be cute (he has learned he can work us if he says "on please"), we are trying to downplay it now b/c it's becoming tiring, haha. He is still VERY into books and could care less about the TV at all right now. He is usually sitting with a pile of books when we pick him up from school. He has his favorite books and likes to read to himself. He can identify most of the animals/things in his books when asked and his voice is so cute.

Love my snuggly boys! He is still very much a daddy and momma's boy. Check out that balding babe ;)
This boy and his pool :) :)

Love this silly guy and excited to see what new things he learns this month!

Monday, July 27, 2015

It's a...


We'll be getting another niece in December :) The whole family came over for the big reveal Saturday! Everyone was so excited and Mason is going to be a great big brother!

Surprise!! Kendall was pumped to get a partner in crime!
So many balloons and so many children!
The winning team!
The sore losers! ha
Hurry up #6!

5 cuties :)

Mom's dance moves worked like a charm...ha

Little one got lots of cuddles
Thankful for sweet parents who stay to help while Derek works! And a dad who pushes the stroller with Colin during my run in the horrible heat!

They tricked mom telling her the gender color was in the oreo truffles. They were just normal oreo truffles, but tasted so yummy! Mom wasn't amused ;)

Kiddos splashing!
Love all these babes!! Excited to see Connor and *baby girl* add to the group!

Friday, July 24, 2015

These boys...

These boys have kept us busy this week. Colin started the week off with a cold that made him grouchy, but thankfully got over it fast and still got to go to school. Next week is school break. Little C had to be my errand/shopping buddy during school time. He's getting a little better in the car. He has been spitting up much more than usual this week too, so we had to start thickening his formula. He seem much more comfortable now after eating...and we are able to not cover ourselves with towels to feed him :) So far his tummy issues have been identical to Colin's. At least we are fixing things quicker this time around!
Lots and lots of book time these days! He says so many more words now and most of them come from reading books. He definitely has his favorites- dinosaur book, his animal books, and a few car/truck ones.

Cousin time! Kendall has a real LIVE baby doll now...and LOVES petting him and giving him his paci :)
Little bit is enjoying his playmat now. He swats at the hanging toys and keeps a grasp on the rings too. I forgot how cute this stage is.

Colin has actually touched his brother this week :) It only took 5 weeks, haha. He still prefers to just sit beside him or go find him if he's crying.
Yesterday I had my postpartum appointment and all was well! It was weird to be back at he hospital and think that I'd never need t see an OB again! Weird in a good way though :) Derek and I met up with Ross and Laura for dinner last night to celebrate their engagement. They got engaged last week in New Orleans! Derek works the next 3 days and my parents are coming in town. We are hosting a fun gender reveal party for Noah and Chelsea. Can't wait to find out if we're getting another niece or nephew :)

So many faces and so much talking lately!

Chez Fon Fon dessert :)

This kid's hair grows sooo fast!!

Loves Publix like his momma!
Ended the week with a trip to Let's Play! He's at such a fun age and learning so much every day!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Summer time :)

Some pictures from our past week! Even with less sleep, life is going by too fast and I'm trying to document memories best I can!
90+ degrees outside meant we had to bring out the pool! Colin loves it, of course, and we're out there sometimes multiple times a day...

Couch to 5K officially started last week for Derek and I. It's hot out, but no excuses! On super hot days, we've used the basement treadmill. Bye-bye baby weight ;) Multi-tasking at it's finest! Colin shares his snack with me for running fuel and we read his book together, hehe.

Baby C has been a sleeping machine lately and has seemed to get more into a routine. He's slowly starting to sleep longer stretches at night...5 hours on occasion, which is fabulous!
My sleepy date and I met up with Caitlin, Eli, and Jess for some hangout time at the pool :)

Chick-fil-a date with Marjorie, Lettie, and Graham!

Poor baby is losing all his top hair!

Evening walks when it's not so hot! This kid loves picking leaves and sticks!

We had a date yesterday including lunch, shaved ice, and a movie! 1st time Connor has had a sitter besides parents/siblings and it went great!

Play day at 'Let's Play' with the Pollards. Best buds :)
Big C has gotten braver by the day! He loved the big slide!
Happy boy in his pool...our nightly ritual this week!
I wish I could bottle up this kid's excitement and laughter! This is such a fun age!

My big helper shopping today, he loves putting everything on the checkout belt for me :)
Derek's had such a good schedule this month, he's been home with us so much! I didn't take pictures :/ but we got to see a lot of family this week and had 2 dates too! Noah and Chelsea came over to keep the kids for us to have a double date with the Pollards and Seth and Jess came over tonight and brought us dinner! Mom also came down for a random day and we got to have a fun road trip for furniture (fun, right mom?!? ;)). So blessed to be so close to family and friends!