3 months until we have a 2 year old!?!?
It's been a very interesting month for big C. He is slowly adjusting to his role as a big brother. He is still happiest when Connor naps in our room and he has one on one time with us. He's only purposely hit Connor once, so that's pretty good! He also has been with bigger kids at school this summer which has made him grow up a little bit. Next month he moves up again for the fall and even will take naps on sleep cots. Time is flying!
He is a feisty kid who knows what he wants. He can be totally lovable and give kisses left and right....and then there are days where he's in time out 10 times. Life with a toddler ;) Right now he is absolutely obsessed with ceiling fans. They must be on in every room of the house and he wants to check on them constantly. Lights are a close 2nd, followed by closing all doors. Although it can be cute (he has learned he can work us if he says "on please"), we are trying to downplay it now b/c it's becoming tiring, haha. He is still VERY into books and could care less about the TV at all right now. He is usually sitting with a pile of books when we pick him up from school. He has his favorite books and likes to read to himself. He can identify most of the animals/things in his books when asked and his voice is so cute.
Love my snuggly boys! He is still very much a daddy and momma's boy. Check out that balding babe ;)
This boy and his pool :) :)
Love this silly guy and excited to see what new things he learns this month!