Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween :)

Brrr, it was a cold and dreary Halloween!! My wonderful love sent me a sweet delivery of flowers for Halloween :) I've only seen him for 20 minutes each day since Tuesday so those cheered me up! Can't wait to have him home all day tomorrow! When he can't text or call during work and sleeps during the day, you really don't take a simple day off for granted :) 
CTP and I surprised D at work with Krispy Kreme for his staff. He was happy to get to see little man dressed up! Colin loved seeing all the action too---don't get any ideas little boy, we will steer you as far away from a medicine career as possible, haha. Surely between the 2 of us we have enough stories to make our case ;)
Then we picked up some pizza and went to Seth and Jess's for a bit. Noah's crew joined us too. It was raining on and off and super windy, so we didn't last long. There weren't too many trick or treaters either.

They loved being pulled around!

 My little dino :) Thanks Seth the photographer!

Cait sent me pics of her cuties! 18 days until they are here :) :) :)

I love holidays!! From such an early age I'd imagine holidays with my own kids and Halloween was always a fun one for us growing up. It was definitely a chilly one this year and we didn't do a whole lot, but Colin won't remember the next few anyways...he barely made it home awake and I just turned the lights out so our neighborhood would leave us alone. Too bad I have tons of candy to get rid of now! 

This child... just another day. You try to assist him and he'll throw his face down to the ground, crawl to me, then bite my leg and cry like I ate his cookies. It's uber dramatic and not worth it (crying escalates once I start laughing at him). Plus, he handles falling very gracefully, a quality Derek and I do not possess. Gotta love his dedication.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

1st birthday!!!

Today our wild boy turned 1! So many thoughts and emotions run through my head today. We had a fun day shopping and relaxing. Colin has so many new toys he can't decide what to touch next! C had his 1 year check up today and he did great with his shots! We got to go celebrate dinner with Seth and Jess too. Colin loves all Asian food, just like his parents :)

He weighs 23lbs and 3oz (57%) and is 32 inches long (97%). His head is 95% :). He's wearing size 4 diapers and 12-18 months clothes.  **once we got home we re-measured him and he was more like 30 inches long which would be 70%, still we got a long boy.

He's eating so many foods now...favorites include pancakes, breakfast fruit bars, grapes, yogurt, Mac n cheese, grilled cheese, peas and carrots, goldfish, any Asian foods (even spicy), alfredo, rolls. 

He's still cruising around the furniture and will let go occasionally. He loves climbing on everything and has a lot of new toys to practice on! Loves sliding and swinging at the park, riding in his push car and wagon, and being outside in general! 

He loves school and his teachers. He mainly just looks at his classmates from a distance. He's become more social since starting school and will talk and grin so big at strangers when we're out now. He is a great shopper and very well behaved in public and at restaurants. 

We have had so many ups and downs being new parents but we'd do it all again 100 times to get to this point. He is the best mixture of our personalities. He's  particular and a deep thinker like Derek, but social and sneaky like me (not to mention we share a love for mint choc chip ice cream!). It's fun seeing him grow into his own little person :) *1 down and 17 years to go, ha!*

Monday, October 27, 2014

***Birthday weekend***

So much fun packed into 1 weekend! So many pictures in this post too.  It was nice to have so many family and friends over to celebrate Colin with us! Pictures are out of order-but here we go :)
 Mason trying on his Halloween costume! Adorable!

My family is full of silliness :)

Enjoying birthday gifts!

Wagon fun

Friday night we went down to be part of Ross's surprise birthday party! Happy 30!!

Friday my parents and Jess came over to help decorate. Thanks goodness...I lack in that department. Here are some of the pictures from Saturday. It was fun and Colin had a great time. We had a lot of help on he food from our moms which was so nice too! We had out of town friends come too that I miss so much! We're lucky so many people love our little C-Rex!



He received a lot of really fun gifts and thought they were all amazing, ha!

Loves his daddy!

 Chelsea's friend made his cake and it was so cute! He was kind of clean about it, but totally enjoyed it!

Surprisingly he didn't freak out about all the attention and enjoyed being passed around!

I'll probably add some more pictures later on. It was a fun day and of course I didn't take all the pictures I should have but I can say I enjoyed myself and loved watching my boy have a good time! Hard to believe he'll be 1 tomorrow! He's gotten so fun as each month passes and can't wait for the next stage! Yesterday we had family pictures taken with Callie at the pumpkin patch. It was a fun afternoon and I can't wait to see the images she got! Tomorrow Derek is off work and Colin gets to skip school to have a fun family day :)

Today I got to go read to a few of Jessica's students again. I went the other week and it was so sweet they remembered me and looked excited to play the word games! Those kids just love "Mrs. Cannon" :)
Enjoyed some long snuggles tonight! This one nap deal is tough business :)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Family time!

Sick week again, surprised?! Started last Friday and now there is just lingering both my men. They haven't let it get them down though ;) We've been to the park this week and to Jess's house. We took them pizza in exchange for her sewing my outdoor pillows!! I had MOPS this week which was fun and Colin stayed out of school (does he even go?!) with Derek. It has been awesome to have him home all week to hang out and help! Today we were supposed to have pictures made, but had to reschedule for Sunday. So another family fun day! Tonight we get to go out to dinner with our neighbor friends (without kids!). Marjorie came over last week and her 8 month old and Colin were so funny together! Her 2 year old is so sweet too! Without school this week, we are needing to get out of the house and talk to adults!
My men before church Sunday!
This boy is in love with crawling in and out of his chair on his own. He's pretty good at it too :) He looks like Eli in this picture to me.
Jess sewed my pillows for our outdoor furniture this week! I love them!

2nd haircut and 1st official salon cut

He did so good and just kept watching her work in the mirror and looking for his hands, haha.

We have a deer family of 4 that comes up to the house everyday to eat deer corn. We just watch each other through the window! Yesterday we had 2 families come and mama deer wasn't a fan of that.
2 days until we have Colin's birthday party! We're all cleaned up and set up for it! Should be a fun day with family and friends :)