Sunday, August 31, 2014

Gooo Jackets!

It's officially football season. The most amazing time of the year if you were raised in my family :) My parents love all sports especially football, so naturally my siblings and I watch football all weekend all through the fall. Derek doesn't complain too much :)
We started football weekend off with going to Tech's 1st home game against Wofford. And it wasn't too pretty. It actually wasn't awful, but Wofford wasn't that bad. Tech ended up winning 38-19, thank goodness! 

It was a hot day, but that's football...Either hot, cold, raining, or a combo! We all went to BWW for lunch after and headed home to stay up too late watching more games.
Jamie stayed with Colin overnight and he did great. We were excited to get home to him! We had a great family day :) Tonight Noah's crew came over to watch the game and have a sleepover :) we're not too big for that,  right? We must unite together to cheer on the vols even though it's tough to be a UT fan :/

Friday, August 29, 2014

Blue Ridge escape!

Monday, Colin and I got home from Huntsville in just enough time to repack for Georgia! We needed (meaning Derek mostly) a relaxing escape and it's the perfect place! On our way we stopped and stayed with Paul and Alicia. We went to Brewhaus and walked across the walking bridge! It was a little strange to see our old house again! Colin chewed on a leaf from our old yard for memory sake :)
Cowboy was all up in Colin's business :) He did not want Colin getting more attention!
Ahh, the mountains! Can't help but to relax here.  
We had a wonderful time and always hate to leave. Even though Colin woke up one night for 2 hours crying (those big front teeth finally came through!), we got to relax so much and eat SO much awesome food. We got to see a lot of the family for Lauren's birthday dinner. We also got to go out to eat with Mamaw, Papaw, Lena, Aunt Missy, Blair, and Luke! We just don't see these sweet family members enough!
Colin loved all the attention :) Also, had to kiss all the stuffed animals :)
Mimicking Papaw :) Our seafood dinner was so good!
Missy caught this lemon face! He loves chewing on lemons.. 
 He had a ball playing with Missy and chuckled so loud :)
On our way back home, we stopped in Chattanooga to eat lunch with Keshia and Alli. We'll definitely be making a trip back to the mountains soon! 
 Love these 2!!
Happy belated Birthday to my sweet sissy :) She turned 28 on Tuesday! So hard to believe! Even though we couldn't celebrate, I'm so stoked she'll be moving back in a few months!! :)

Thursday, August 28, 2014


2 months until nugget is a 1 year old. He's a silly guy who likes to be independent, but also loves to give kisses to everything and be rocked to sleep :) Perfect balance!
Colin is 23lbs now. He has 4 teeth with 2 breaking through currently! His hair is getting so long, a haircut will be needed soon! He's wearing size 12mo clothes and size 4 diapers. Sleeping 8pm-7/730am and taking two 2 hour naps. Kid plays hard and sleeps hard :)
This kid is crawling so fast, pulling up on everything, clapping, and waving bye this month. He's loving playing in the bonus room and roaming free. I bet walking will be this coming month.
He is into everything. Every drawer and door has been discovered. He pulls everything apart and can open things he probably shouldn't be able to! He keeps us busy but it's fun watching him do new things and explore.
Love you little man! You make us smile and laugh daily!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Oh night shift...

Derek has his first stretch of nights since May...we forgot how much that stinks! We see him for a total of maybe 30 minutes (if Colin's awake) a day and can't talk to him when he's at we hit the road again. It's so hard to go have fun knowing that he is working so hard. Last trip without you for a while, I promise love! The upside of working so much the last 3 weeks is that he gets off 7 days starting tomorrow! We'll be heading to Chattanooga and Blue Ridge to see family and friends!!

We've had a nice Huntsville visit! We've done a lot of furniture shopping, eating out, being lazy, and watching Colin run wild :) We also surprised Nana at work, went to watch mom sing at church, and napped a lot too!

Farmer's Market one night. People watching while Poppy talked to his Senator buddy.

Colin loves that Poppy will carry him everywhere :) Waving bye bye to mommy!

Just a small corner I sorted of mom's finds for babies. Pretty much this was all of Kendall's 3-6 month clothes..get ready Caitlin for your package ;) She loves the hunt for a bargain...A LOT. But she does find some good stuff.

Daddy-daughter date night in Decatur. Yummy food and good convo! Colin got to stay with his Doozie and Nana for the night!

Dad and I did some shopping Saturday and came across a very eclectic auction...I felt like I was walking through Elvis's house.

Everything was sooo expensive. People were bidding over 4,000 for the weirdest stuff!!

I got this text from Donna Saturday. Colin had a good time staying the night with them. However, I missed my little sidekick! Most days he's all I get to talk to! I was happy to have a little break, but even happier to see that cute face again :)

Tonight we went to see Doozie and Nana one more time before we head back in the morning! We get to see them again next weekend for the first GT game!

My sweet boy loves to share all of his food with me. This big eater had a big lunch of salmon, risotto, and corn today. A bit fancy for a baby :)

Found the dog bowl! HA. After all that food, babe needed a quick sink bath!

As much as I miss working, I feel so blessed to have these opportunities to travel and be with my nugget everyday. We'll feel complete tomorrow when we go home to pick up Daddy for our family trip!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Happy Birthday Doozie!

Today was Doozie's birthday. He's now 55 years young ;) They came down on Friday to celebrate with the fam. Derek had to work this weekend so it was great to be able to still celebrate with everyone! We're used to having to move holidays around with his schedule :)
We had PF Changs to go and did presents and cake at our place. Pound cake is the male Patterson choice every year. YUMM! Hope 55 treats you well Doozie!!
Colin got to play a little before bed, he enjoyed having family over.

 Derek had a crazy busy weekend and still works tomorrow. I hate he couldn't play this weekend with us. We kept busy with errands, dinner with Morgan, a play date with Mason, and dinner and pool with Seth and Jess. Can you tell we don't stay home at much in between naps? :) This kid is so over just playing with me, ha.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Chattanooga fun

Colin and I just got back from spending 3 days in Chattanooga! Derek had to work evening shift and it worked out better if we let him get some extra sleep :) Any chance to catch up with friends I take! We stayed with Keshia and had such a fun time! We got to pack so much into 3 days...lunch out, the pool, pedicures, shopping, and meeting up with cousin Kay for lunch. I would travel every week if this child would sleep better in his pack and play. Most nights he sleeps in it he wakes up 5-7 times screaming...I am so worn out today! It was worth seeing everyone though.
Alli loved to baby Colin, but did NOT want to share her toys...I understand girl ;) Poor Keshia was referee most of the time.
2 of Colin's favorite things- pool+ice cream!
Girl time is always needed! It was fun to catch up with Bern too!

Karaoke night- those people were like American Idol good!!
Colin had fun swinging with Laura when she came to babysit the kiddos.

Cousin Kay drove from Knoxville just to eat lunch! So sweet!!
Our old sitter Zoe came to keep the kids during karaoke, Colin just loves her.
Already planning my next trip up there in September, we have more people to go see and catch up with! Thanks Keshia and Steve for hosting us!