Sunday, March 30, 2014

End of March!

We always say we aren't going to wish time away...but...we are both very ready for June to be here :)Derek's at his last shift of the month. 2 more months of shifts until freedom...for a little while anyway ;)
We had a nice weekend with Poppy and Moppy visiting! Moppy made us some yummy food and they kept Colin and I company while Derek worked!
Loves snuggling on momma!
 *Sweet grandparent love*
Got to Skype with Caitlin and Eli...then Skype'd with Noah, Chelsea, and Mason too!!
5 weeks left until Kendall arrives. Little Mason is 3 weeks already!
Working hard on tummy time. Getting there! That big head is heavy :)
Pizza take out!
Spring flowers bloomed in the yard this week! Maybe it won't freeze again and kill them!

Friday, March 28, 2014

~5 Months~

This past month has FLOWN by!! We have a cute little 5 month old now!
He is still loving his changing mat and stroller...but we can add watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse now too as a favorite. The intro has him grinning and kicking the whole time. It's too funny to watch!
This month we have been eating food!! So far he is loving bananas, pears, and prunes. Hating on veggies unless I mix them with fruit. Don't blame him, they look and smell gross. Drinking 5-6 ounces every 3 hours during the day.

Sleeping pretty good. Napping 30 min-2 hours. Sleeping 830-730 with 1 or 2 quick wake up times. Usually requiring a paci, we're still working on that!

He's been laughing this week a lot and it's so adorable! Lots of smiling too :) He's getting better at sitting up! Until he kicks himself backwards. Rolling on his side both ways all day long, but hasn't flipped all the way over.
This past month Colin got a new nephew and we spent some time in Birmingham with family! That's really been the only trip this month and it's been nice to be home!

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Life is busy but is really good too :)
Monkey boy! 
Strange snow day late March!
Sweet sleeping baby :) 
Our beloved aquarium dates
From our walk downtown!

Grilling out with resident friends!
Derek is the grill master ;)

Monday, March 24, 2014


Colin has been eating food for almost a month now. He has tried all fruits and veggies except green beans so far! It's definitely a funny adventure each day!
His favorites are bananas, prunes, and pears. Mango and oatmeal were OK, but he did not care for the rest! He definitely lets you know if he doesn't like it. Spits everywhere and screams ;) We'll try the others again in a few weeks.
Super happy it's bananas and not peas!
He's got some good faces when he eats and loves to blow bubbles and make a huge mess :)
 It just make sense to poop while you eat prunes ;) Mission accomplished!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Week review

Busy work week!  Derek works 5 in a row this week and I worked 3 half days! Still managed to sneak in some fun time. Colin has really become a fun buddy to play with!
Colin and I met Emily and her son, Ethan,  at the aquarium! They did so good (mainly because they slept the whole time). Ethan was a doll!! Then we headed to Homeless so everyone could meet him!
Mommy dates are nnecessary for sanity :) Lots of stroller sessions and play time! 
This booger is trying to figure out night sleep. Every other night he sleeps 10 hours straight.  Then others he still wakes up 2 or 3 times..ONE day Derek and I will sleep in the same bed :) I sure do enjoy those occasional  full night's rest! 
So glad Derek is now off for 3 days! I booked him a massage today and planning on a lot of quality family time! Also lots of basketball-it's tournament time and we're in on 3 bracket competitions! Colin even made a bracket based on facial expressions. hehe. Now if this little dude will wake's 815! Of course I woke up at 7 ready for him ;)

Monday, March 17, 2014

♧St Patricks day♧

We celebrated our irish heritage today!
Well Derek and Colin dressed correctly. I wore black to work today,  ha. Oops.
We visited my gym friends today!  Those ladies have been so great to me and I miss them every Monday and Thursday at spin! Hoping to get back to it in the next few weeks when I can get Colin kept by someone.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Late birthday fun!

After a not so fun appointment of getting baby shots, Derek kept Colin while I went to have dinner to celebrate my birthday with Dr Moyer and Emily at Tony's on Thursday! It was delicious and great to catch up with Emily since she had her baby in January!
Friday I had an awesome spa day thanks to the wonderful Derek♡
Facial,  hand treatment, and an hour massage! I think I could go back monthly; )
Saturday we had a family day out and had a date night at Ruth Chris thanks to Derek's parents giving us a gift card!
Finally, tonight I had a girls night birthday dinner with the resident wives at Blue Water! 
I don't think I've ever celebrated my birthday this much or for this long, but it was all so fun and I'm thankful for all of the love!
This guy had a hard time after shots. A few rough nights, but we're getting back to good sleep again :)
Loving his bumbo chair! Yay for TN making the big tournament! Making bracket picks this week!!