Friday, February 28, 2014

4 months old!

This chunky guy gets cuter each month!
Those big brown eyes ♡
He is a ham now and loves to smile. And scream ;) we've gotten a few laughs this week too. He still loves his playmat and the stroller! Mirrors are a new love. Still loving bath time! Rolling to his side a lot, close to rolling over. Loves sucking on his hands and blankets. He definitely has a little personality and smiles when he sees us :)
He is now 15 lbs! We'll see how long he is at the doc appt in 2 weeks. He's eating 4-5 ounces every 3 hours during the day. We started oatmeal this week with a spoon. He also had his first food - Peaches! 

This week we got serious about sleep in this house! Colin has finally started to nap every 2ish hours during the day. Each night he's sleeping a little longer with us only having to go in to soothe him 2 or 3 times. Pretty awesome since we stopped swaddling and night feeds! Sleeping with his lovie :)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Derek's last test is over! We celebrated with the residency group at Taco Mamacitas,  yumm! So glad to have Derek back at home for a few days! We got busy this week and booked the people to do paint and floors for the new house-4 months left!
Happy birthday to Nana today!
Colin tried peaches for the first time today. May have been a little tart compared to the oatmeal cereal. He kept getting the chills, Haha. He is definitely interested though!

First grocery shopping trip went pretty good, his first time to ride looking out in the Bjorn. 
 We starting making Colin sleep all of his naps in his crib this week. It's actually working out so well and I don't have to walk/rock him forever all day! Pretty cute little dude! Tonight we are transitioning to sleeping the same way, no swaddle or night time feeds! We'll see how it goes!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Closing DaY!

Yesterday was closing day! We officially don't own our first home anymore :/ While we are excited to move and all, this was our first house and so much has happened in our 3 years here!! Our part of closing went well. The other couple had to sit there waiting on their lender stuff for over 3 hours! We got out of there pretty quick and headed to get massages to celebrate! Then headed to Brewhaus for dinner since Zoe had Colin!

Today we went to the aquarium with Emily and Quinn. I hate that we just met and are about to move! It's so great to have a walking mom friend down the street!

 Then we headed to meet at the Riverwalk to walk with Keshia and Alli! I think this kid could live in a stroller! This grown baby was holding his own bottle :)

Derek has his inservice test (last test for the year!) tomorrow! Then we have family time for 5 days!! :) Colin was licking all over my apple this am, hehe!


Monday, February 24, 2014

Huntsville Weekend Pics

Hanging Out!

Lots of outside time!

Nana's 55th Birthday! Presents, cake, pedicures!

Time with Uncle Seth and Aunt Jessie!


Having a taste of oatmeal on a spoon! A little unsure :)

After sleeping 7 hours straight for the first time ever! (plus 3 more!) Happy boy :)


Friday, February 21, 2014

Spring tease!

Yay for the 60-70 degree weather break! We have been soaking it up this week with a LOT of walks outside! Colin could be in that stroller all day and be happy :)

Tuesday we went to the Riverwalk downtown with Keshia and Joanna (+kids). It's such a pretty walk and I'm excited to spend a lot more time there this spring. My 1/2 marathon last year went along this riverwalk too!

Derek had to work 6 in a row this week, but after today has 9 days off! Zoe came over a few days for me to go in to work. Good to have some work hours! 
 Wednesday I was walking with Colin and ran into a girl with her baby (8month old) that lives down the street. We had a walking date yesterday and it was nice to meet someone that lives so close! We got caught in the rain twice, but the kiddos didn't seem to care!

 Too bad it will be 40s next week again :/ We are heading to Huntsville for Nana's birthday this weekend with this silly guy :)

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Saturday we had our last wife shower! Derek had to study for his test coming up so I took Colin with me. Casey and Bernadette eloped in September and we finally all had a day we could celebrate! We had a brunch at Keshia's house. We all pitched in and got her a stand mixer since she has gotten really into cooking.

I really will miss these girls when we move! We have such a good time together and it's nice to have some girls who are in the same boat with our husbands and kids. 4 months left and we will all have our husbands back!! We call Bernadette a "resident wife", but she's actually a resident ;)

A few girls brought their kiddos, Owen and Colin are about 4 months apart and pretty cute together :)
Sunday, Derek worked so Colin and I ran some errands and worked outside some. We had a lot of sticks to pick up from all the snow last week! It was 55 outside and he was in love! We pretty much try to leave the house everyday for a little while. He gets so bored inside all day and it's hard to entertain him on my own.