Friday, January 31, 2014

Snow Storm 2013...while House Hunting!

What a week it has been! We left Monday morning for Birmingham for our house hunting adventure. An adventure it was :) We met our realtor that morning and probably saw 8 or so homes and drove by even more. It was a long day! We saw some good ones, but really liked a new construction home the most.

We picked up PF Changs and took it over to Heinz and Leah's house. We got to see their new baby, Owen, who is 1 week younger than Colin. Wish Colin could have met his future buddy! He was such a cutie and Alex was a little ham! After dinner we headed to Seth and Jessica's to hang out. We took them out to the house we liked too!

Tuesday we got up (after a full night's sleep-wahoo!) and went back to meet our realtor, Shelley, at her office. We started driving to the first house and it started to snow a little. We went to a house pretty far back into a popular neighborhood in Oak Mountain. Derek and I both loved it and decided it was our new favorite! As we were walking around the house the snow started to get heavier. Once we got outside everything was pretty covered!

Pretty, right? That's what we thought too. We made it half way through the neighborhood and had to overcome some pretty big hills. By this time, the roads were pretty icy and cars were starting to slide. After about 2 hours in the car attempting the hills to get out of the neighborhood, we got to the last big one and got stuck on the top. Everyone had abandoned their cars at the bottom and were walking up the hill towards us to get home. We parked the car and a nice man walked by and we casually mentioned we were now homeless ;)
We got his address and a little while later decided to call it a day and head to his place. We spent the day watching the news cover horrible wrecks and traffic issues. Our host was so nice; he had older kids that had moved out so we got to sleep upstairs in their rooms. Of course, we had been riding with Shelley so we had no bags, clothes, nothing. We at least had a hot shower and he had a lot of left over Carraba's for us to eat! Our host's wife was stuck at work too. His high school kid had a lot of friends over in the basement. We made them a big breakfast and played with their fun dog, Tank.
The next day our realtor's friend came to rescue us in his 4x4 truck. It took us a while, but we made it to the top of Hwy 31. He gave Derek and I jackets/gloves and we started our hike down to our car.

Hwy 31 was blocked on one side for a while, so we walked right down the slippery road :) We took a break at the mall. All the stores/restaurants were closed except Great American Cookie Company. They gave away free cookie cakes :) We grabbed a slice and hit the road. On the way down Lakeshore we hitch-hiked with a nice couple to Mountain Brook Village. We were sooo excited to see our car! After scraping the ice off, we hit the road! The interstates weren't bad to Huntsville and we were so glad to be reunited with little dude!
So grateful we made it back safe and that Colin was warm and happy in Huntsville. There were so many wrecks and people stranded in their cars. So crazy! Chattanooga and Atlanta got hit soon after really bad too.  Colin has some awesome grandparents that kept him. He didn't give them too hard of a time but I'm sure they were glad we came to retrieve him ;)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

3 months old!

Wow. We have a 3 month old! There have been many sleepless days and nights along the way, but way more sweet and precious moments! 1/4th of a year in the books for our nugget and we are all still surviving :)

This past month has been so fun. Colin loves to smile and tries to talk to us too. He loves to sit on laps like a big boy and be walked around. The playmat is a favorite now and he's recently learned how to grab the hanging toys. The stroller still gets a lot of use :)

Sleep is some better, usually 9-2, up at 5, up at 6, then up for good at 7. Still eating 3-4 ounces every 3 hours and very little spit up now! Naps on and off, but usually too busy and curious to sleep during the day!

This month has been busy with selling our house and traveling to Birmingham house hunting, but Colin has been a trooper!
Looking forward to more fun next month and maybe more sleep ;)

Monday, January 27, 2014

Family time

Since Derek had a stretch of evening shifts, Colin and I hopped in the car and headed to Huntsville! He slept on the way, thank goodness! We spent a lot of time relaxing and hanging out. So nice to have Mom's good home-cooking! Noah and Chelsea were in town for baby showers so we spent some time with them. Little Mason will be here so soon!
Sunday we headed to shop for little "jelly bean" Shoemake! Little girl stuff is just too cute. Mom got her some really cute outfits! Poppy got some one on one time with cutie pie!

Derek joined us Sunday night. Big house hunting adventure coming up!

Friday, January 24, 2014


Such a cold week after a nice warm Monday! We had a new babysitter come Tuesday and Wednesday! The other girl got an engineering job, but this one seems super sweet and has no daytime commitments! I did chart audits and saw patients, Derek worked those days too.

It's been a rough sleeping week. We moved Colin back to his crib at night and also for his 2 long naps everyday. He is getting there, but lots of waking up every 1 to 2 hours the first few nights :( We also are trying a new swaddle blanket. This kid can break out of every swaddle!
It's so cold we haven't ventured out much! I did take Colin to Keshia's house to help plan a bridal shower and afterwards we met Derek at our favorite Mexican place. Colin did alright, it was his first real sit down restaurant experience.

It was 9 degrees last night! BOO! It really snowed good on Tuesday. So ready for spring already :)
Brothers bonding :) Colin actually really sees him now and is mesmerized!

This morning we had our home inspection. Hope everything turns out ok!! We close in 3 weeks!!It took 4 hours so thankfully the guy didn't make us leave the house!
Colin has perfected swatting at his hanging toys! At least Gus sleeps good in his crib ;)

Finishing up packing today...we are traveling to Huntsville for the weekend while Derek works. More grandparent time for little guy :)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Holiday weekend

Friday night after date night Doozie and Nana came up for the night! They brought up Colin's jumper and he was very interested in it, even if it was a little big for him :) Derek was off work for 3 days so that was nice! Colin was still fighting off a cold so he got a lot of love :)

 Since the house sold, we decided to move the coffee table and make Colin a play area! Much easier to sit on the ground now!
Love bath baby!
Sunday we lounged around during the day and watched some football. Poppy and Moppy came up for the night!
Such a talker these days :)

 Finally got the hang of grabbing his toys on the play mat. He tries soooo hard!

The weather was so nice, we went for a couple walks. Kid loves a stroller, not so much a lover of his car seat though..
This sweet boy is 12 weeks today!! Crazy how fast it's going! We have been doing a lot of online house hunting lately, excited to go see some next week! Just have to get through the next 6 days of Derek working.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Such a WONDERFUL week~

Monday- we had 2 house showings! Colin and I strolled down the street for the 1st one, but then it rained so we sat in the car the 2nd one and took selfies :)
Tuesday- We went to Joanna's for lunch and had a repeat house showing! Joanna and Keshia's girls played and Colin was fussy with another cold-ugh. The Bjorn made another appearance while I cleaned up the house before the showing.

Wednesday- Went to brunch and the mall with Sarah and Henry!

Thursday- I went back to work and had a new babysitter. It was nice to see my work friends and have adult time. We sold our house!! So excited that we don't have to show the house anymore! Hopefully inspection next week goes well! Closing is Valentines day! This makes house shopping later this month much more fun! I also got a new computer-thanks Derek!

Friday- worked while Derek kept little man! Then we went to our fav place- the aquarium, haha. Colin slept most of the time, but Derek hadn't been in a few years so we enjoyed it! We went to The Terminal for dinner while our babysitter Erika kept little dude. Such a yummy place, we will miss it!!

This week Colin was very into napping on me in the strangest positions ;)

Family filled weekend coming up :)